Mary K.'€™s Blog

31 March 2005

What book of the Bible are you?

You are Psalms
You are Psalms.

Which book of the Bible are you?
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fofinha posted at 5:58 PM


23 March 2005

God's Passion for me

I am truly amazed at what God/Jesus went through just so I could be part of His family. He was so passionate about wanting a relationship with me that he endured the cross.

My church I attend puts on The Lexington Passion Play and has done so for several years. I have had the privilege of being part for the past 3 years and again this year. The story we tell is always the same. Christ Jesus came to this earth and he submitted himself to the cross to pay the price for our sins. Having completed the payment, Christ rose again and offers us the chance to believe in him and receive eternal life. Praise the Lord, I believe and am now a joint heir with Christ. The participants in the play have been presenting the play since last week, we have 5 more performances. Five more opportunities to visually depict the gospel. When we went through our first full rehearsal, I wept like a baby and was hit with the awesome thing Christ did for me.

Having grown up in the church, I have read and heard the story hundreds of times. I cannot explain why this particular moment, at the dress rehearsal I was weighed down with the largeness of this action. Praise the Lord!! He rose again.

I hope that you enjoy this holiday season and that God blesses you greatly. May his act of love on the cross be real to you each and every day. May the glory be His and His alone.

fofinha posted at 12:30 AM


08 March 2005

Where is my stunt double?

Don't you wish you had a stunt double in life. I sure did the evening a group from church went to Perfect North Slopes in Indiana. I would have called in my stunt double for all the spills and not so thrills. I thought I would give snowboarding a chance. I am working on not being so timid of new and adventurous situations. Snowboarding would be that. I can ski decent, not well and not bad. Well, snowboarding got the better of me. As I was attempting to get down the bunny slope, yet again, I turned where my back was leading and the board dug into the snow. Note - I would have inserted the stunt double at the place where I started leading by my back side. As the board dug into the snow, I quit sliding and started to be vaulted forward in a header just not face first, head first. I hit hard and at least twice. My tongue is still recovering as I bit it in the process of bouncing. I hope to have full feeling in the tongue by tomorrow. I know that picturing the situation is rather humorous, I even chuckle when I think about me bouncing off the ice. I would have preferred watching my stunt double doing this but she has yet to be cast. Please pray that my body heals as I am very sore and bruised.

I say all of this to, yes try to garner sympathy from the few of you who read this and to say that even in the trauma and trials of life, God is showing me his greater mercy and profound grace. I don't have a stunt double and so I am the one who is in charge of my glorifying the Lord and how I share him with the world at large. I have been struggling with this point in life. Our soon to be new Director of Youth at GBC spoke about God and His glory and how God is concerned first with his name and his glory. Yes, he has concern for me but what am I doing to show God's glory or to bring him glory? This is starting down a random track so I will bring it back to my greater point. God is gracious and His mercy abounds. He will do what is needed for his glory and if I have to be a bit bruised and beaten to return to the place to bring him all the glory, I will be glad that God casts no stunt doubles in this life.

Love and blessings to you all.

fofinha posted at 11:12 AM


01 March 2005

Please pray

I spoke with my mom yesterday trying to iron out some business matters. In the midst of that discussion she let me know that they need to be prayed for right now. There are some issues swirling around them and I ask that you pray for God's guidance, intervention and strength through this right now. I am sorry to be so cryptic but I am not at liberty to go over details right now. Please join me in praying for them.
I also covet your prayers for myself. I have been fleeing from the divine presence of my Holy Father and he by his grace and mercy has drawn me back. I ask that you pray for me as I seek his face and his direction in my life.
Thank you for all you do. May God richly bless your day as you all bless mine.

fofinha posted at 8:55 AM
