Mary K.'€™s Blog

27 November 2006

I'm an old married woman now

Well, hello to all. Here is my first post after gaining a new identity.

WOO HOO, I got married.

Let me tell you, there were A LOT of hitches in the giddy-up getting to the date of the 18th of November. There were tears cried. Battles fought (mostly spiritual) and won. Fabulously, in the end, I am now the wife of one of the most amazing men on the planet.

I don't have any pictures yet to post since I did not carry a camera down the aisle, just the bouquet. hehe I was greatly blessed by my group of friends from the US who were able to attend my wedding. I am looking forward to seeing their pictures they took. After the wedding they stayed and helped the parents with some mission stuff. It turned out to be an amazing trip for all!!!

Well, we are living in our house and it is ROYAL mess right now. We don't have a clothing armoire yet so part of my clothes are still at the parents' house. There are piles of stuff in all parts of the house and even though it needs it, you canno see enough of the floor to sweep it.

Thanks for the hearts in the bed and the rice in the baggage. Those of you who did this, you know who you are. I did like it. hehe.

My internet options are limited these days to using the computer at the parents so please forgive any lack of blogging.

I did take some pics on the honeymoon and I will try to post them soon. Trust me they will all be g-rated. We went to another beach town further south and it was lovely.

Well, my time is limited so I will sign off for mow. I will try to write off line and copy and paste in the future.

Love and Hugs!!!

mkh quaresma

fofinha posted at 1:09 PM


18 November 2006


Not much longer...
Daisypath Ticker


fofinha posted at 7:00 PM


13 November 2006

5 days

Just 5 more days and I will be wed to the most amazing man I have ever been blessed to know. God sure did measure out a blessing of mercy and grace beyond compare for me with my beloved. I cannot imagine going forward in life without him. Yes, I am in that disgusting, super-sweet kinda love with him. YEAH!!!!

I am writing to give a mini-update. Plans are plans. Some are going well and others not so well. Please keep me in your prayers because last week I was brought to tears at least 3 or 4 times. Not from anything from my beloved, other folks and things. The parents are gone to the big town of Sao Paulo to deal with stuff so I am home with L and the other boys are at the lot and the house dealing with things. Still a fair amount of little things need to be done with the house but it is livable right now.

Five days left of my single life. That is such an odd thought. I guess it is compounded by the fact that I will never (probably never) again live in the country in which I was born. My children will probably speak 2 languages. I won't see snow except on TV unless I visit in winter. Christmas will always be tank-top weather. Life is a whole other rhythm now. Odd and delicious at the same time.

I miss you all.
T - I miss your office too. Can't just run downstairs to hide or just chat. Hope Nellie and John are good.
MyLis - I just plain ol' miss you. I hope you are well, you have been in my prayers.
Deb - I get to pinch you Friday!!!!!!!
KayKay - Huge, HUGE, hUGE, huGE, HUGE hug from me to you. You are my fave.
heater - You are one of the best! Sorry little bit had to come home. Tell J I love her when you get to see her and give N a lick from me.
L & J - hope the church is good. Hope the jobs and school are good. I love you and am greatful for my weekend with y'all.
Ash - you are a precious one and I am praying for BSHS and you and that man of yours too.
There are so many more of you I need to send a note to, just know you are in my heart and prayers.

Love and hugs, mk

fofinha posted at 11:53 AM


07 November 2006

Almost to the single digits

Sorry about the lack of posts, it may become a common issue as the computer connections we have had here have been TERRIBLE!! Today is a good day, I got online. WOO HOOO!!

That being said, just dropped in to give a quick run down. 11 DAYS!!!! Almost single digits. There are still a ton of little things to be done and the number of people coming seems to continue to grow. I am a bit annoyed with some things and happy with others. That is life here in the south. Ah well. The house has a septic tank - YEAH!!!!! - and now running water. Yes that exists here in Brasil. I will upload more pictures when time allows. Had a bridal shower (cha da cozinha) here this past Sunday. We did it a bit American style with Brasilian flavor. I will share more later. Going to run into town later today to get the hotel reservations for the honeymoon in Camburiu and deal with flower issues.

I miss you all lots. Will see some of you soon. YEAH! Hope to see the rest of you in the future.

love and hugs - mk

fofinha posted at 11:58 AM
