Mary K.'€™s Blog

28 May 2005

Blog fam to just fam...yeah ::clapping::

I must say, God has an amazing sense of humor to let us live our lives like we do. We get to enjoy each other through our blog connections amd them there are those wonderful times when the bolg fam gets to turn into real fam.

Tonight I had such a wonderful evening that there are just not enough words in the English or Portuguese language to explain. I had dinner with,
Mel and, Jimmy. I cooked and we just had a great time hanging out. M and I have been friends for years now and we just love each other. ::sniff:: ::wiping the tear:: We had the joy of meeting J through other blog fam and round and round that goes. Well J was in state for what may be the last of a long while. He is visiting family before he begins his mission apprenticeship in Mosambique. (Please pray for his time and team there.) J knew he was going to be in the area and M and I live close to each other so we finally got our acts together to get together. Woo Hoo!! Praise God. We were able to just spend time with each other, getting to know each other better, encouraging one another, enjoying our God together. It was just one of the best darn evenings I have had in a coon's age. Yes, I was the neurotic cute self that I am. M was just the precious treasure of heaven that she is no matter the circumstance and J was just revealed to us as another piece of the richness of heaven here on earth.

I am constantly amazed at the ease of God in letting the family of God get to know one another. It is like built in knowledge having the same Father. I am thrilled to bits and pieces to be able to say I have met another family member tonight.

J you know M and I love you lots and we will be praying for you diaramente diante no trono de Deus. You are a super special guy and I am so blessed to have been able to have met and spent time with you this evening.

Like I said, there are just not words that can accurately or fully express the amazingness of God. Maybe I need to work on some new words for it. Like "monazing" which would be monstrous and amazing. That is God, filling to overflowing and pouring out on our saucers, His blessing of His love through family. Thank you Father.

fofinha posted at 12:35 AM


08 May 2005

Life right now

Life right now...

Life has been a roller coaster lately. The ups and downs have been interesting. There have been some twists and turns as well.

I have finished my first class of the Master's program I am taking. It was challening and fun at the same time. I checked my grades on-line and the project part of the grade was listed and I got an A on it. Yeah, I have an A on themid-term and an A in participation. I am waiting on the grade from my final exam to see my final grade. I have to get at least a B in the class so that I do not have to pay the state back fo my tuition assitance. I think I am doing well. I know my final was not my most stellar work but it was still good. I will be taking a summer course as well. So far continuing school has been a good thing. It was a step of obedience. I knew a year ago I should have done this. God is so gracious in spite of my stuborn nature. I am relieved to know that God helps me.

Work has been very rocky. "Polly" has been becoming her imperious self again lately. If it is not her idea or her way, it is not worth anything. She is very manipulative and it is definitely all about her. I am working on doing my best to be humble and patient. It is not easy because I dislike being guided and handled. I actually almost took another job. I did a not so good thing and put a "fleece" out to God. I said that if I could get more time off with at my present job, I would stay and turn soen the other job, so I asked. They said yes and then I could not find a date to switch to I was freaking out and I had worked myself into dither over it all. I was second guessing myself and wondering if God was testing my obedience or if he was blessing me in spite of myself. It was so rough for a couple of days. I ended turning the job down and God blessed even more abundantly with a longer amount of time off than I would have ever had the courage to ask for myself. I am amazed. I am a little burnt around the edges at work so the knowledge that I have the time off is a blessing. It will also be a blessing to see family and friends.

Speaking of the friends. I do have a special friend who is ever so dear to me. He is amazing and we are working on getting to know each other and we are seeking God's will in the midst of it all. It is pretty great to know that someone is praying for my wellbeing and my spiritual life. Most of all, we want to be certain that God is in the middle of the relationship. If God is not glorified by our individual lives nor out relationship, then we need to change something. I want him to search for God first and foremost, then other things will lead to God's glory and God's blessing. W is great. I will get to see him in December. He is graduating from seminary and I get to be there. Woo hoo!!!!

I have been working on relationships and God has been very gracious. I am working on keping those that are important in the loop. Mel is such a blessing and treasure straight from God. Yeah God for making her!!! I saw an old friend in Wally World and it was a good thing. It had been a couple of years and I did not know if she was still in Lexington. She has a one year old and looks great. It was pretty nice to be able to be able to start to mend a fence that was demolished. Pretty cool.

I am doing my best to keep my appointment with God every day and it makes sucha difference. I am at the end of the Gospel of John and look to continue on to Acts for my next book to read. I am search for more of God everyday and I am looking to fall more in love with Him.

So, I am feeling minty.

fofinha posted at 11:31 PM


03 May 2005

Finally, the final

I just finished my final for POL801 and my brain is about to fall out of my ears. I think I will watch TV for the remainder of the evening. It took me most of my alloted 3 hours to answer the 2 essay questions. I did real well on the first question then I started to run out of gas on the second question. Over all I feel alright about my work. It was not stellar but it was alright.
Thank you Lord for you protection of this sorry girl. I do nt deserve your mercy or grace and that is why I am thankful for them. Amen.

fofinha posted at 10:23 PM
