I had a brief e-mail discussion with Melissa the other day about something to do for her upcoming birthday (Saturday the 27th) and with her schedule we won't be able to do anything for a while and she said she was giong to milk this b-day for all it was worth. So I am putting out this post to start it a little bit early. ::me giggling::
I was trying to get to 100 but after a while it feels very repeditive. (You will understand in a couple of lines what I mean.)
Here are the oh so many things I love about Melissa. ::drumroll::
The oh so many things I love about Melissa
1. She is so darn cute!!!
2. She is a sister in the Lord.
3. She is so very creative.
4. She encourages me all the time.
5. She blesses me every time I hear her voice, even if it is just her voice mail lead in.
6. She loves the Lord with all her heart!
7. She is waiting on God to write her love story.
8. She has the greatest curly hair.
9. She cares about others more than herself.
10. She listens to hear where God is leading.
11. She is not going to live in KY for the rest of her life.
12. She will make movies.
13. I will be able to say, “I knew Melissa when…”
14. She calls me “Darlin Precious”
15. She is a safe place for me.
16. She is so darn cute.
17. She has such a sweet voice.
18. She knows how to throw a darn good party.
19. She is willing to trust God.
20. She has a great laugh.
21. She smiles all the way to her eyes.
22. Did I mention she is cute?!?!?
23. Actually she is more than lovely.
24. She writes very well.
25. She loves her family very much.
26. She would fight to the death for you if you needed her to.
27. She cares enough about me to be completely honest.
28. We can have a good time while we don’t make decisions.
29. She is loyal.
30. She is amazing beyond words.
31. She is a jewel straight from the crown of God.
32. She brings color to another wise grey day.
33. She is vibrant.
34. She has an “Easter Egg” in the family living room.
35. She loves Christmas so very much.
36. I just love her.
37. She is very clever.
38. She does not shy away from the truth.
39. She is courageous and is working on following her dreams.
40. She is an August baby.
41. She lets me call her “Baby Girl”.
42. She is a dynamic individual.
43. She will listen.
44. She is silly with me.
45. She cares so very deeply for her friends.
46. She is willing to bare her soul to others.
47. She will stand beside you when you need it.
48. She has a Lord that thinks she is captivating and so do I.
49. She is a darn good cook.
50. I cannot imagine my life without her in it in some way shape or form.
51. She is a blessing beyond measure.
52. She is great.
53. She is a rest-stop God put on my path.
54. Just thinking about her brings a smile to my face.
55. She gives very good hugs.
56. She is sincere in action.
57. She has a passion for Native Americans.
58. She does things no one even notices and the world is better for it.
59. She is very supportive.
60. She is a good dresser.
61. She is willing to step out of her comfort zone and follow her dream.
62. She lets me be me (and trust me, I am odd)
63. She is fierce in so many different ways.
64. She has a very quiet spirit at times.
65. She has a very gracious nature.
66. She has a great accent.
67. She prays for me.
68. She loves the Lord with all her heart.
69. She has a deep appreciation for God’s creation.
70. She has a deep appreciation for silliness.
71. She is elegant.
72. She gives me Kool-Aid when I am at her house.
73. She is full of grace.
74. She is full of mercy.
75. She is honest.
Added by Becky
#76 She is a gifted encourager
#77 She is sassy
#78 She loves Melissa Gilbert
#79 She is a gifted writer
#80 She lives life in a beautiful way engaging people and allowing them to be who they are.
Back to me
81. She if Fabulous.
82. She is captivating.
83. She has caught her Saviour's heart.
84. She makes me happy.
85. Knowing her makes me a better person.
Here is some more
From Gayla
86. She's very real and transparent
From Kat
87. She leaves the most awesome voice mail messages on your phone that you save for weeks at a time and listen to over and over when you need a pick-me-up.
(Kat, what happened to 88?)
89. She maintains eye contact the entire time you're talking to her.
90. She graciously drives all over Kentucky to visit friends who freak out about driving all over Kentucky.
91. She's not afraid to meet strangers that you call friends and actually gets to know them.
92. She makes the ordinary person's passion look like a caffiene high.
93. Any plan you make is the best plan she's ever heard before.
94. She gets the hook-up at Starbucks and B&N and passes it along to all her buddies.
95. She's never ashamed of her crazy wild friends who come into B&N no matter how her coworkers look at her.
96. Her taste in music is impeccable.
97. Around her, it's easy to drop the pride and you strive to be as humble and loving as she is.
98. She's genuinly interested in people's lives and what's going on with their walk with Christ.
99. There are over 100 reasons to love her that are simple to find and write down and more than a million if we all took the time.
100. She's so darn cute.
fofinha posted at 2:13 PM
Mom & Dad
Originally uploaded by DaisyMay13.Hey there folks, I know crazy, I am a bloggin fool today. I wanted to put a picture out there.
Just want you to see the very cute people I call my parents. Alex and Barbara Hensley. They are pretty amazing people. Keep them in your prayers please as they cnotinue to serve the Lord in southern Brazil.
Aren't they just adorable?
fofinha posted at 10:50 AM
This is a test post from
, a fancy photo sharing thing.
fofinha posted at 10:42 AM
I have been pondering of late my life and how directionless it feels. Granted, there is structure in my life but there are certain things I have let go willy-nilly style outside of that existing structure.
I have not been living as intentionally as I could. I have been letting my life, live itself out rather than me living that life out. I have not let others know what they mean to me. I have not undertaken to follow those things I love as passionately as I can.
Quite some time ago, God let me know that I am to let those others in my life know what they mean to me and to Him. I do my best to let folks know that I adore them with my entire being and to let them know that God loves them beyond measure. To that end, in the weeks to come, I will be posting concerning the oh so many things I love about certain people. I was originally inspired by Ashlee in her blog when she wrote about people in her life. There will be more to come. I hope to impart encouragement in their lives and a sense that not everything goes unnoticed. I have started some of the lists already and I am about to bust to put them on here so stay tuned one will be up soon.
As to the living my life intentionally rather than the passive fashion I have been taking as of late. Please keep me in your prayers as I seek more of My Father's will in my life. I am seeking Him and at times, it is scary just as it is exciting.
More than anything, I pray God's blessings and mercy on your life gracious reader.
fofinha posted at 10:14 AM
I was tagged by
Melissa and let me tell you, I feel old after reading her response to her tag.
10 years ago… I was 22 and in the real world of employment, working at Service Merchandise as an Area Manager of the Showroom. I still lived at home and I was preparing for my parents to leave for the mission field. I was frightened about being in charge of not only myself but everything concerning them as well. I was engaged to who I thought was the love of my life (still single so that was a “no”). I thought I had the world by the tail most days. It was a bright spot before some rough times.
5 years ago…. I was 27 and it was the new millennium. Woo hoo. I was starting a new job with the state in Richmond (still here). And I was being cyber stalked by an old boyfriend.
1 year ago….I was 31 and still at the same job for the state. I got up the courage to let my crush know I liked him. I was wondering about my own blog.
Yesterday….I spent the day at church as Sundays are that way. Heard 2 great sermons and hopefully saw the turn of a church’s heart to a mission mindedness.
5 snacks I enjoy…Cheez-its, peanut butter m & m’s, Popcorn with lots of butter, reese cups and just about anything that has dark chocolate in it.
5 songs I know all the words too… Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns (sang it at church recently), several praise songs and hymns (love to sing at church)
5 things I would do with 100 million dollars…Tithe no less than 15% to my church (boy would they love me), pay off all debt held by any family member, finance several endeavors in Brazil and then tuck the rest in investments to be able to live without fear through my future.
5 places I would run away to…anywhere in Brazil, Australia, Venice, Italy, Brazil and oh yeah, Brazil.
5 things I would never wear…thong bathing suit, poncho, leather underwear, a sheer shirt with only a bra on under it, and Ugg boots
5 fave TV shows…Sue Thomas: F. B. Eye, actually, I am trying to un-favorite TV so only the one.
5 bad habits…Chewing my cuticles when I am nervous or agitated, procrastinating, not spending time in the Word every day, overeating, and over committing.
5 biggest joys…family, my close friends, singing, W, and children
5 fave toys…mp-3 player, computer, rubber stamps, as a kid, the sit and spin and the “My Friend” dolls.
5 people I tag… Ashlee ,
Patrick ,
Robin, and
fofinha posted at 4:09 PM
I have been very spotty in my posting as of late and for that I apologize to those 5 of you who read this. I will do my best to give you the Reader’s Digest version.
Blog - Have settled on a skin I like very well that is clear to read. Woo hoo. I will probably be tweaking on the colors and fonts in the days and weeks to come so comments are appreciated.
Work - Well, it is work. The schedule for next year is being worked on and I am able to help with that via my database that was poo pooed upon earlier. One day, they will see that it is a great tool. Ah well, apparently not in this lifetime. I was struck by Melissa’s blog post and the thought of making God my portion at work as well as in the rest of my life. I hope to be able to prayerwalk my place of employ since I have the gripping about it down to a science. ;) I am praying for a positive attitude as that is the only thing I have power over. Circumstances are out of my control. God has those in His hands, I don’t need to try to control them, cause I cannot. No matter how much I want to.
Church - We did an off-rite VBS at a local school. It was amazing to be allowed into this venue. One of our church members is a teacher there and we were able to get into the school with his help. The week was hectic going back and forth from R-mond to Lex but it was very beneficial. The children had a good time, the church volunteers saw a new arena of service, the community saw our desire to invest our time in them, and the principal invited us back and said we could come back more often than once a year. How absolutely God is that?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! I am praying that certain negative sentiment within the church be turned around so that we can glorify God in greater ways. I have been struggling again as to stay or go and as God has constantly answered, I am to stay where I am and continue in what He has given me to do. Please keep this in your prayers.
Parents - The parents are doing well. I try to e-mail their newsletter out to most of you all. If you don’t get it you can go to their mission board’s website. Click on Missionaries then click on the Hensleys and you can read through their past newsletters as well. The church in Salesopolis is rolling, slowly but surely.
My Life - Well, this is the part that is not so easy to condense. Work has been a plague to me. I am unhappy and am seeking God to restore my joy. He will do it, I know He is faithful. Church is going well as you can see. My personal life is being filled by those who love me. I am an unofficial member of the “F” family. I spent the weekend at their place and I felt so loved and cared for. (Granted, my apartment is a wreck and could have been cleaned – this was better.) I also have a standing e-date with the love of my life. Thursdays, you will find me online chatting with W from 4-5. So don’t be offended if you see me online for chat and I don’t respond quickly or at all. You see. I am sooooooooooo in love I almost make myself sick. ;) I have often wondered why God in His infinite wisdom has brought me to this point in my life, still single. I have struggled with this a lot. God has been faithful all the while and He was waiting for my obedience. I have been pondering, due to conversations with A, about the entire “THE ONE” concept that we as Christians have set forth. There is a stigma that seems to follow in the shadow, you can screw up and miss THE ONE and then what? I lived in that for a very long time. In God’s mercy, He revealed to me through others, that each relationship was a stepping stone to make me, me. I would have loved to be married with children by now but that was not what needed to happen to being God the greater glory. I needed to learn more about obedience and submission to my Lord and Savior. When I found where obedience, submission, peace & contentment lived, I also found immeasurable indescribable blessings. One such blessing is the relationship with W. He is an amazing man of God and that is what I have been praying for all this time. I am still struggling with feeling worthy of the relationship so please pray for that for me. I am also greatly blessed by the friends and family God has given me along the way. (Stay tuned for future shout outs to those I love) I am still seeking to find more of God each and every day. I have fallen behind in this lately. I am up against a wall of fear I have come to know all too well. More on that at another time if I am lead to share the rest of the story…
Wrap Up - So, I am doing pretty well in the overall. I covet your prayers as I endeavor to find more of God and to give Him the glory.
Just so you know, LOVE Y’ALL bunches.
fofinha posted at 11:35 AM